Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Really, really proud to be a Virginian right now

Max and I are less than amused with this bullshit

I know, I'm not usually prone to making snap judgements or flying off the handle or being overly dramatic EVER AT ALL. However, if this is true? Throw away the effing key, man.

Some highlights:

"Some dogs were killed after being "rolled," a process by which dogs are tested to determine if they are ferocious fighters. However, in one case, a female pit bull was injured in a fight that cost Vick and his co-defendants $13,000, according to the indictment.

After Vick was consulted about the canine's condition, one of his co-defendants "executed the losing dog by wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting the animal," the indictment states.

Various other methods were used to kill dogs that fought or tested poorly, including hanging, drowning, shooting, and in at least one case, slamming the dog to the ground, the indictment says.

The indictment alleges that the Falcons phenom and his cohorts engaged in other disturbing practices and that a raid on a home in Virginia uncovered items like "breaking sticks" -- used for prying fighting dogs' jaws apart -- and a "rape stand" used to tie down aggressive female dogs for breeding."

To make up for the violence being perpetrated towards his brethren and appease the guilt that I feel for a.)living in the same state as these bastards and b.) belonging to the same species as said bastards, I have given Max a new bone, dog ice-cream, and about 80 thousand treats in the past few hours. I'm going to make a wonderful Jewish mother someday.


Anonymous said... might not remember me -- aside from a random facebook friendship -- but I just wanted to leave a little note and tell you that I've enjoyed your blogs. They are hilarious. You should consider writing a book. I just read "Good in Bed" (for the second time) by Jennifer Weiner and you style reminds me of hers. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that. Hope life is well.


jenn said...

Is this....Ericka from the journalism classes whose names I can't recall right now? Because if it is, I do remember you! And I've read your stuff and think YOU are an excellent writer (I really really liked the article about your mom)! Thanks for the comment :)