Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain-Palin sounds like some kind of medical syndrome

Hey, remember when McCain picked Tina Fey as his running mate?
Nice move, GOP. This nomination was brilliant on two levels. You very shrewdly realized that:

a.) besides having tiny lady brains and a penchant for ironing things, us females are contractually obligated to vote for any ticket containing a woman's name


b.)any random woman=African-American man. It's all the same to us!

I can appreciate the last ditch effort to steal any possible Hillary supporters. But I know many, and I'm fairly certain that for them, issues trump the presence or absence of ovaries in a candidate.

Also, Obama's speech? I have no words. I'll even excuse the once again hilarious misuse of Springsteen's "Born in the USA" as a patriotic song afterwards, so amazing was that speech.

Friday, August 08, 2008

"Who Is That Making Jenn Gag?"

So, ok. Maybe I'm SLIGHTLY jaded and a LITTLE cynical. Maybe I look at the world differently than most people, or maybe I'm just cold and heartless. Who's to say. HOWEVER, I stand by my assertion that this website is one of the most disturbing and ridiculous things I've ever come across in my 25 years of coming across things.

Entitled "Who Is That With Jeremy?", this blog features some random toddler whose parents have decided it was a super idea to drag him all around the world to pose with "famous" people (let's just say that some of the folks pictured with little Jeremy are slightly less than A-List). The best part about this is that Jeremy is quickly growing, as those damn babies tend to do, so now the parents are forcing a sizable kid on these celebs, who, unaccustomed to carrying their own children, let along someone else's, tend to hold him by the armpits and look uncomfortable.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Thank you, Tyra. I needed this today.

I am in NO POSITION to be blogging, I know (I have so much to do it's ridiculous) but OH MY HELL I needed everyone to see this new ad for America's Next Top Model Cycle 11:

I don't know whether I like Tyra's shoes or her hair more, but I do know that nothing captures the spirit of the 60's quite like a bunch of wilting models who look like they barely have enough energy to lift their hands to make a peace sign.

Friday, August 01, 2008

High school's better than junior high. They'll call you names, but not as much.

So Heather Matarazzo (who lame people will know only as Anne Hathaway's friend in The Princess Diaries) just got engaged to her lady friend.

Now, as you and I are cool and alternative and know that mainstream indie films are far superior to mainstream "normie" films (as some of my Media Studying comrades would call them), we remember Heather as Dawn Weiner in Welcome to the Dollhouse, the 1995 movie that made us all feel a little bit better about our middle-school social standing.

In this movie, Heather's character is infatuated with this super cool, older, popular guy who plays guitar and sports a pretty sweet early 90's rocker mullet. Now, I want you to look at the first picture in this post and tell me TO MY FACE that Heather's girlfriend doesn't TOTALLY look like mullet rocking Steve Rogers!

Coincidence? I think not.