I'm not sure which is more bothersome; the fact that Elisabeth Shue is even at the Oscars, or the fact that she's there dressed as a math teacher, complete with orthopedic sandals.
If Dr. Phil can be a "doctor" of daytime television, then I can certainly be a doctor of Whitesnake, "Arrested Development", and Britney.
Thank you, Rashida Jones. Thank you very, very, very much. I know you're catching a lot of flack for this Holly Hobby meets pregnant '70's housewife wearing her drapes a la Sound of Music getup, but seriously. You at least gave me something to do during this "show". Wondering why exactly you chose to wore the exact shoes that some of my friends wore to their Bat Mitzvahs in 1995 saved me from literally dying of boredom. The apparent addition of white tights to this ensemble? Just added another layer of intrigue. This was the Lost of Oscar outfits.
Whatever, you kick all sorts of ass on The Office and your dad is Quincy Jones, so you're all right with me. I haven't quite forgiven you for Little Black Book, but I'm working through it.
So that's how he looked in his heyday. What does he look like now?
I am ashamed that I even know who you are. Also, my mom thought your actual last name was "McPheever", but that's neither here nor there. What I need to tell you is this: If there's ever a time to act cutesy and aloof, it's not when you are holding blades near a dude's neck. Just because they don't have enough self respect to turn down a job that requires them to cavort in public sans shirts doesn't mean it's ok for you to slice their jugulars.
Considering that his female counterparts at this event were dyed, waxed, plucked, shaved, and starved all before even putting on their far more elaborate articles of clothing, the fact that he couldn't be bothered to tie that damn thing just makes me angry.
So apparently even cute young Jewish rappers will eventually turn into old Jewish men. Oh, Beastie Boys, this saddens me greatly. I think I might have even lost the will to fight. For my right. To party.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you feel the need to walk around with your hand down your pants, maybe try to not look like a serial killer while you're doing it.
Name: Kathleen
NBC Calls Her: "Spiritual Sandy"
I Call Her: "Wearin' Those Spandex Pants And Slutty Shoes For The Lord Sandy" or "I Can Sport This Kerchief All I Want But Everyone Can Still See My Man-Neck Sandy". She's like a preacher or something. I can't wait to see how she justifies competing to star in a musical about teens having sex, drinking, smoking, driving too fast, and using copious amounts of hair product. The best part is that her character is corrupted in the end.Name: Laura
NBC Calls Her: "Small Town Sandy"
I Call Her: "Uncomfortably Wholesome Sandy". Hey, maybe she and "Wholesome Danny" (ha) can get together and form some kind of delightful Osmond revival. It must also be said that she wore what I like to call a "stigmata dress" while singing "Jesus Christ, Superstar" last night (basically it was a long dress with a slit up the middle of the front, and the bottom corners attached to her hands-when she raised them it looked like she was on a cross. Delightful!)
Name: Allie
NBC Calls Her: "Baby Sandy". WHAT THE MOTHER HELL.
I Call Her: "Transvestite Sandy". You can not convince me that this "chick" isn't post-op, sorry. If it walks like a dude, looks like a dude, and wears spandex capri pants like a dude, IT'S A DUDE.
Name: Ashley S.
NBC Calls Her: "Ballerina Sandy". This is following with the trend of having the nickname only describe the contestant's occupation and nothing else, kind of in the vein of "Bellhop Danny."
I Call Her: "Stuck-up Meg Ryan Sandy". She looks like Meg Ryan. She also looks stuck up. You wish you had this kind of clever.
Name: Ashley A.
NBC Calls Her: "Emotional Sandy"
I Call Her: "Mentally Unstable Sandy". She's basically crazy and can't sing. Why NOT put her on a nationally televised SINGING competition for her to be judged and put under tremendous stress?Name: Juliana
NBC Calls Her: "Rock Chick Sandy"
I Call Her: "The Most Annoying Person On My TV Sandy" or "Hopelessly Devoted To Herself Sandy" or "Unnervingly Lacking Introspect Sandy". When she talks she sounds like a Disney character. The highlight of last night was when she said "I am very, very......talented."Name: Kate
NBC Calls Her: "Serious Sandy"
I Call Her: "This Sandy Goes Up To 11 Sandy", because girlfriend IS SO LOUD AND WILL NOT STOP SHOUTING/SINGING AND IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY. I feel like I need to make her a cup of tea after every song she "sings", and the fact that I watch her right before Trump comes on and starts yelling at me is a little unsettling.
I can't really sum up the show, but highlights included:
-VELOUR DANNY wearing, and I swear I am not making this up,a sleeveless flannel shirt. I still think it's deliciously ironic that NBC calls him "Wholesome Danny", because watching him you get the distinct feeling that he is trying to impregnate you through the television.
-Billy Bush describing the show as a "double sing-off special", and I still don't know what the hell that means.
-Andrew Lloyd Weber guest-judging, and me discovering that my mother has this hilarious, irrational hatred for him. Some quotes from her about Mr. Weber include: "He looks like a woman", "they can describe him as legendary, but that just means that he's old", "he's like petrified wood, "why doesn't he just shut up and go get a 'spot of tea'", and "eww, he should not be allowed to lick his lips."
If you're not watching this show by now, there is something very, very wrong with you.
How painful does that look? You can practically feel the skin stretching, people. If I were her I would carry that picture around with me always and when one of her twins acts up she can whip it out and say "Oh, REALLY? You're not going to do what I tell you, huh? YOU ALMOST RIPPED MY ABDOMEN OPEN ALIEN-STYLE! Now eat your green beans."
And while we're posting pictures of "celebrities"...
Wasn't she the one who ended up winning the gold the year of the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan fiasco? Yeah, I think she wore hot-pink feathers that year. We should have taken it as a sign of things to come. Do you think that Tonya later befriended her in an effort to maybe steal her medal? Because, seriously, that bleach job is straight up Harding style.
She looks like Bridget Jones' slutty Ukrainian sister. My brain can't even pick one thing to be disgusted at. Between the tummy-flattening undergarment, the sparkly black training bra, and the hideous puke-pink heels with ankle-straps, I just can't-OH MY SWEET GOD, IS SHE WEARING POLKA-DOTTED WHITE SPANDEX BIKE SHORTS? I'm definitely going with the polka-dotted white spandex bike shorts.